A restless approach to innovation.
For twenty years, the name GardX has been synonymous with excellence in vehicle protection. Trusted across the globe. Envied across the industry. And renowned for its restless approach to innovation. So it should have been no surprise when GardX surprised the sector with a premium product, developed exclusively for elite and prestige vehicles.
This closely guarded formulation was born to bring a new standard of vehicle protection for premium vehicles. But it posed challenges from both a strategic and creative viewpoint: how would this be positioned within the GardX brand architecture? And how could we create an ownable name and identity that reflected the unique benefits and elite positioning of the new product?
UX & digital designWebsite developmentBrand identityVideo & photographyA new name in luxury protection.
Unearthing a new name with global uniqueness is one of the greatest challenges of any new brand project. And in an industry as fiercely competitive as the international automotive space, overcoming that challenge with creative relevance couldn’t be more critical. The answer arrived through a new word, to represent a new definition of vehicle protection.
An elixir with the power to preserve. The oxygen that breathes life and lustre into the elite. A new generation of vehicle protection. The words ‘elixir’ ‘oxygen’ and ‘generation’ provided the inspiration for a blended contraction, to create the name Elixogen. A unique new word mark that stands with confidence in a uniquely competitive market.
A balanced extension to the brand.
GardX are fiercely protective of the brands we’ve built together. And rightly so. We knew the success of the Elixogen identity would rely on both bravery and balance. We needed to build a brand that would feel unique, exciting and different. One that would provide sufficient separation from GardX’s existing suite of protection products. Without undermining the cohesive brand world we had helped to forge since 2022.
By owning a dark and seductive silhouetted aesthetic, and introducing a new hero typeface and marque, the Elixogen identity is carved from the most sensitive of additions to the wider GardX brand. Ensuring strong visual distinction, without the brand disturbance.

A blend of seduction and distinction.
Anchoring on the unique talents of our CGI artists, the Elixogen identity is formed from 3D imagery, allowing endless creative freedom across all brand imagery and motion content. The unbounded world of CGI invited opportunities to push forward the presentation of both our products, and the envy-inducing vehicles that emerge from darkness and shadow, highlighted by tantalising glimmers of the Elixogen green.
It’s the creative freedom of CGI that drove the development of the Elixogen promotional film, delivered to the elite standards demanded by the brand, with the speed, flexibility and value that just wouldn’t be possible on a traditional film set.

A seamless campaign presence.
From the landing page to the launch campaign, Elixogen’s sleek silhouetted CGI and premium identity is presented with seamless impact. Positioned beneath the GardX Protect pillar brand, our Drupal/Next developers built Elixogen’s new identity elements into the styling of the existing GardX Protect website, ensuring a high-impact experience, and high-converting landing page, within one single, seamless website ecosystem.

Once again, Fluid have shaped an incredibly creative and exciting brand with the launch of Elixogen.
They’ve managed to create an identity that honours the heritage of GardX, whilst providing the perfect platform to distinguish this elite new proposition, helping to support our future growth and diversification.
- Mel Thorpe, Head of Marketing